Big Horn Foothills Journal Celebrating the amazing people, places and businesses along the Big Horn Mountains. We produce a small quantity of print magazines every three months. From Sheridan, Wyoming
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Grand Teton Horse Magazine Sharing the stories of the people, places and horse adventures around the Greater Grand Teton National Park region. We produce a small quantity of print magazines
Yellowstone Horse Magazine Sharing the stories of the people, places and horse adventures around the Greater Yellowstone region. We produce a small quantity of print magazines every three months. Connect
This short collection of thoughts gathered from time spent with horses and in nature reminds us to be who we truly are and inspires us to be compassionate with
100 Years of Rodeo Elliot Rivers Co. was honored to be the designer of this celebration book created for the Buffalo Bill Cody Stampede’s 100 year anniversary. 200 pages of
By Park County Fire Protection District #2 with Foreword by Alan Simpson. Elliot Rivers Publishing had the honor of working for Park County Fire District #2 in Park County Wyoming,
Let us create a beautifully designed and printed legacy book that tells your story, highlighting important photographs, life-changing moments, accomplishments and more. A legacy letter book is great for….. Family
Recently completed autobiography of well-known historian, photographer and author, Bob Richard. 191 pages, with several hundred photos.
The COOK Book 2020 by Betty Persson Reddock, is a family history book with all content created by Betty Reddock. Elliot Rivers Publishing Co. provided the graphic design and printing
..and Naval War Heroes’ Visit to Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park. This book features the photos and history of the visit of several World War II Naval heroes who were
Featuring “Arthur”, the draft horse. This children’s reading book is a fun way to learn the alphabet, spelling and develop reading skills. Comes with a worksheet to fill in the
Several years ago, we published a small horse journal that made it’s impact in the relationships between people and their horses. Keep a look-out, we’ll be reviving the vintage journal